Catholic Schools Member Login

This service is for the exclusive use of Churchmarketplace members. Please Click Here if you would like more information about churchmarketplace or wish to join.

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Note: Your username is the email address you registered with.

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Authorisation accounts for schools:

Churchmarketplace offers different account set-ups for schools. Our default account enables members to visit suppliers online, view products and prices, and purchase either online or by phone or fax.

We are also able to offer ‘authorisation accounts’ in which staff can view products and prices but require authorisation from a designated purchaser. Should you require this service, do get in contact with us so that this can be arranged.

Personal membership:
Since your organisation is already registered, you are entitled to register in a personal capacity to take advantage of most of the discounts for your personal use.

Joanne Hill
Tel: 020 7931 60

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