Key Contacts

Father Patrick Madden
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Parish Secretary:
c/o The Parish Office
408 Northumberland Ave
Tel: 0118 931 4469
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Patron Saint

 Our church has been named after Christ The King.

The feast of Jesus Christ the Universal King was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 and is observed on the last Sunday of the Roman Catholic Liturgical Year.  It causes us to meditate on the Second and Final Coming of Christ, the last Judgment, and the end of the world.

Pope Benedict XVI has remarked that Christ's kingship is not based on "human power" but on loving and serving others. The perfect exemplar of that acceptance, he pointed out, is the Virgin Mary. Her humble and unconditional acceptance of God's will in her life, the Pope noted, was the reason that "God exalted her over all other creatures, and Christ crowned her Queen of heaven and earth."

There are many parishes and churches named after Christ The King. Here are a few:


Christ The King Cathedral, Gaborone, Botswana


Christ The King Cathedral, Chandigarh, Chandigarh


Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Commack in New York State

Would the parish be interested in twinning with a same-name church? If so, click here.

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Our Faith
Visit this area of the website to find out about the Roman Catholic faith, access up-to-date mass times as well as Sunday readings, daily prayers and spiritual guidance. You can also request a mass or prayers to be said and find out about the learning programmes and Sacraments operating in the Parish.
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