Key Contacts

Father David O'Sullivan
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Parish Administrator:
c/o The Parish Office
60 Sturges Road
RG40 2HE
Tel: 0118 978 0348

Our Faith


The Catholic faith is central to our worship and our continual spiritual journey as children of God. To help our members continue their journey in faith, the Parish has a wide range of Sacramental Programmes for young and old - from Baptism to First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

The Faith of the Catholic Church

At the heart of our faith is Jesus Christ. Born into a Jewish family in the Roman province of Judaea some 2000 years ago, we believe that he is the 'Messiah', ('Christ') awaited by the Jews as their Deliverer. We believe that he is also 'Lord' and 'Son of God'. Not only is our belief based on his teaching and miracles of healing, but supremely due to his death and resurrection from the dead. Jesus was eventually put to death by crucifixion. Three days later his demoralised followers were astonished by reports that his tomb was empty, and that he was alive. They later encountered him, not restored to life within the limitations of this world, yet fully himself, and fully alive with a life beyond death; alive, in fact with the life of God.

The Charter of the Catholic Church

Following his resurrection from the dead, Jesus told his followers to 'preach the Gospel to all nations'. This forms the basis of the charter of the Catholic Church. 'Catholic' means 'universal' and 'Gospel' means 'good news'. The Gospel Jesus preached concerned 'Kingdom of God'. God created the world good, and intended the human race to live in harmony with God and with each other. Humanity has surely failed to live in that harmonious relationship. We believe that it is through the risen Jesus, who is both truly God and truly human, that God has begun the restoration of that original harmony with the risen Jesus being 'Universal King'. For those who accept him as their Lord and King are extended an invitation to become members of the Church. This is done through Baptism in the name of the One God, 'Father, Son and the Holy Spirit'. The Catholic Church, united to Jesus Christ, (and described in Scripture as 'Body of Christ') is intended to be a sign to the world of God's purpose of unity for the whole human family.

Called to Baptism?

I am not baptised (christened) but deep within me there is a sense that I am being drawn to something beyond myself and my present experience. Please click here if you would like to discuss this further with Fr David, no strings.

Or if you would like to explore further online whether or not this is an invitation from God to share His life with you. In particular, if would like to know more about the Catholic Church, please click here.

To help develop your prayer life during the week, you can also access the latest Sunday Readings and a selection of Daily Prayers.

For visitors, new members or those seeking answers, read more about the Roman Catholic faith in the Faith Overview section.

The Structure of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church throughout the world is maintained through the communion of the bishops who are the leaders of local churches ('dioceses') in every land. They are the successors of the original apostles chosen by Jesus. In communion with their leader, the Pope, the successor of St Peter, they are responsible for governing the Church and keeping it true to the faith of the apostles. The present Pope is Francis I, and the Bishop of our Diocese of Portsmouth is Bishop Philip Egan.


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